Addiction is a disease that requires constant vigilance. The mentality and behavior of many addicts and alcoholics is absolutely irrational until they come to a dead end and understand they are entirely powerless over this compulsive habit.
The journey to addiction is a sad one for many. Celebrities like Russell Brand, for instance, look to drugs to fill the void, a whole that seemingly could not have been filled with anything else. However, the more he tried to suppress his feelings and fill his emptiness with these deadly substances, the more he realized how empty he actually was and how desperately he was crying out for help. He experimented with all types of drugs: cannabis, heroin and cocaine, just to name a few. Thankfully, at age 27 he got clean after being told that if he didn't stop he would die in a six-month period.
His call to a life free from addiction was too strong, and he has been able to stay sober and help others along the way. Watching friends who vanish in this addictive lifestyle has not been easy for him. Russel Brand recently founded Give It Up in order to help alcoholics and drugs addicts. His organization helps to provide funds for rehab treatment centers where these people can begin their journey toward sobriety. Once these individuals in recovery are free from their addictive lifestyle, they can stay in contact with the support offered to help them stay clean.
Genuine opportunities for a fresh start come every day, but only a few take advantage of it due to the internal fight many addicts experience. Substance abuse is an mental disease, which destroys the lives of its victims. Drug addicts and alcoholics are not bad people; they are sick people who need addiction treatment in order to get better. Call (877) 804-1531 to find a treatment center.